White nectarine, is a variant of the peach but it distinguishes itself by having the skin soft and smooth (hairless).
The white nectarine is characterized by its white flesh and for its flavor intensely sweet but slightly acid. Your skin is reddish with small white.


Yellow nectarine, is characterized by its yellow flesh and a sweet flavor and acid.
It is very attractive in its skin smooth, fine and bright which together with its reddish tone makes it attractive and irresistible to the palate of all.


Flat Peach is a variant of the peach, is characterized by having the hairy skin and reddish and unlike the peach your form is crushed.
The flat peach is characterized by its meat which may be whitish. All their varieties enjoy a sweet taste.


Yellow Peach, is characterised by a hairy skin and yellow. Its flesh is of a yellowish color and is very juicy. Its flavor is almost sweet.


Red Peach has the hairy skin and look similar to the Peach Yellow, although the great difference, as the name suggests, it is that your skin is orange red.
Its flesh is yellowish color and has a sweet flavor with a point of acidity and an intense aroma.


Pear, is characterized by a conical shape (elongated). Your skin is smooth green or yellow depends in its maturation.
The flesh is white and in some cases slightly yellowish. Depending upon its maturity will provide a sweet flavor or acid.


Apple, is characterized by having a smooth and shiny skin and its color ranges from green to bright red. Has a firm structure and a crunchy texture. According to the variety can be rounded, elongated or flattened.
Its flesh is white or pink, so its taste can be both sweet or sour depending on the variety.